I'm Pregnant





Wanting time to simultaneously go fast and stand still. Hoping for the test to give results.Wondering how five minutes could take so long.AND then…the results appeared.

I am pregnant.

My mind rushes with thoughts and emotions. This is what I had prayed for. This is what I had hoped for. We are having a BABY! I am excited, happy, and terrified all in one moment because let’s face it: having a baby changes everything.

This is where we find Mary just before our passage.

For Mary there was no pregnancy test. No discussion with her husband about the planning, the trying, the outcome. Nope. For Mary there was an Angel and he said,

Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and

give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be

called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his

father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his

kingdom will never end. (Luke 1:30-33)

I look at the test again, just to be sure. I pull out my teddy bear stationary, and write the following note:

Dear Daddy,

I am so excited to see you in nine months.Mommy loves you and I love you.

Love, Baby

I leave the note on my husband’s pillow. I couldn’t wait to tell him so we can walk this journey together. The anticipation and excitement are terrifyingly overwhelming.

BUT Mary, sweet Mary, who had found favor with God was in a different situation. How exactly do you explain to your fiancé that you are pregnant with someone else’s baby? Mary sought out her relative Elizabeth who had also turned up pregnant unexpectantly. Immediately, Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit and pronounces blessings upon Mary.

Boy was THIS baby going to change everything. I cannot conjure up the ocean of emotions which must have been surging through her thoughts. But we do have her song, an amazing praise to the God who is in control.

When I have thought about Mary in the past I always pictured a young, scared, new mom. I felt sorry for her.BUT, when I read her song of praise or sing it (thank you Randy Gill for arranging it so beautifully), I hear a song of quiet strength.

And Mary said:

“My soul glorifies the Lord

and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,

for he has been mindful

of the humble state of his servant.

From now on all generations will call me blessed,

for the Mighty One has done great things for me—

holy is his name.

Mary chose to acknowledge the honor she had been given with this pregnancy. She praised God for her circumstances, which from the world’s point of view looked bad. Mary knew this awesome burden, was also an awesome honor. God had chosen her to be His servant.

God has chosen each of us to be His servant to bring peace to the world. We can choose to accept our calling and praise Him for the honor we have been given each day or we can grumble and complain about our burden. Too often I find myself not recognizing the awesome honor I have been given to be a servant of the living God. 

That first pregnancy God gave me a beautiful, perfect, amazing daughter. She is strong willed, expressive, stubborn and so smart. She is an amazing gift from God. May I be reminded of the great honor that has been given to me to raise her for Him.

This advent season, may we each cultivate the attitude of Mary and praise God for the burdens/opportunities we have been given. May we remember the blessings which have been bestowed upon us and may we praise Him for the honor we have in bringing about love, joy, and peace to the world. Our situations might sometimes look bleak, but may we remember the humble servant Mary and her strength as she brought our Savior into this world.

Jessica Knapp Youth Minister, Mountain Ave Church of Christ Tucson, AZ